Vimochan Samaroh of VEDIC VAASTU SANDESH; a research oriented magazine of Scientific Spiritual and Applied aspects of Vedic Vaastu Shastra.

Dr. Niketan Anand Gaur (Chief Editor) & Dr Sunita Gaur (Editor) VEDIC VAASTU SANDESH (a research oriented magazine of Vedic Vaastu shastra) addressing the inaugural function .

The function is attended by Prof. P N Kawthekar VC Vikram university, Swami Sattyanand ji and Swami Omkaranand ji.

In VEDIC VAASTU SANDESH’s vimochan Samaroh chief saint of Mata Anandmayee Ashram Swami Omkaranand ji blessing Dr Gaur.

Inaugural Function

In VEDIC VAASTU SANDESH's vimochan Samaroh chief saint of Mata Anandmayee Ashram Swami Omkaranand ji blessing Dr Gaur

Vimochan Samaroh of VEDIC VAASTU SANDESH a research oriented magazine of Scientific Spiritual and Applied aspects of Vedic Vaastu Shastra

Vimochan Samaroh of VEDIC VAASTU SANDESH

Dr Sunita Gaur Editor VEDIV VAASTU SANDESH Addressing inaugural function

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur Chief Editor addressing the inaugural function of VEDIC VAASTU SANDESH a research oriented Magazine on Scientific Spiritual and Applied aspects of Vedic Vaastu Shastra sitting from left Prof A N Patel (civil engg SGSITS)Prof D Pare(Dean and Head in Govt Ashtang Ayurvedic Mahavi...


Dr Sunita Gaur Editor and Dr Niketan Anand Gaur (standing) sitting from left prof P N Kawthekar VC Vikram university swami Sattyanandji and Swami Omkaranandji.

Prof Mithila Prasad Tripathiji (Devi Ahilya University Indore) listening the lecture of Swami Sattyanandji in inaugural function of VEDIC VAASTU SANDESH a research oriented magazine on scientific Spiritual and applied aspects of Vedic Vaastu Shastra or science of Architecture.