Launching ceremony of new book on 'Vedic Vaastu Vidya dwara Rog Nidan mein Jyotish evam Ayurved ka Antarsambandh ( Interrelationship of Astrology and Ayurved in Diagnosis of diseases by Vedic Vaastu Vidya written by Dr Niketan Anand Gaur and Dr Sunita Gaur

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur on the occasion of Guru Purnima at Maharishi Nagar in 2015

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur speaking at Guru Purnima day at Maharishi Nagar.

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur at National Library Greece

Dr Sunita Gaur and Dr Niketan Anand Gaur in a function of MVM Indore.

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur accompanying Prof A.P.Tripathi VC MMYVV and Rev. Rinpocheji Director Tibetan Institute of higher learning SRnath Varanasi in VC's conference in MMVU.

Dr Gaur as a chief guest garlanding photo of Shri Visheshwarayyaji -invited by Engineers Association Dewas on Engineer's Day.

Hon. Smt Sumitra Mahajan ji MP (presently Hon. Speaker Lok Sabha Govt of India) recieving VEDIC VAASTU SANDESH from Editor Dr Sunita Gaur and Chief Editor Dr Niketan Anand Gaur.

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur being honoured by co op society indore

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur presenting research paper in "International conference on Technical Education on 21st Century Challenges and strategies in Global perspective" organised by Directorate of Tecnical Education and Department of Manpower Planning Government of Madhya Pradesh held at Maulana Azad co...

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur discussing with Minister of Urban development Govt of India and former Governer of Jammu and Kasmir Shri Jagmohan ji in a function organised by HUDCO .

Dr Gaur addressing research scholars in Maharishi Mahesh Yogi VEDIC University sitting along is Dr Sunita Gaur Faculty of University.

Dr Gaur being honoured by Governer of Rotary Club indore central Indore

The OM Foundation honoured Editor Dr Sunita Gaur and Chief Editor Dr Niketan Anand Gaur with "Om Sahityakar Samman 2014".

Dr Gaur lecturing in Jaal Auditorium Indore in fiction organised by Rotary club indore

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur speaking in Vice chancellor's conference in MMYVV University. Sitting fro left Prof Adya prasad,Vice Chancellor-MMYVV, Prof P.N.Kavthekar Vice Chancellor or Vikram University and Prof Vidya Niwas Mishra Vice chancellor of Sampoornanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi

Dr.Niketan Anand Gaur as main speaker on topic "A Session on Vaastu Shastra and Astrology By "Karma Sutra".

Dr Gaur with Nature

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur in Holland (The Netherlands)

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur thanking organisers for honouring him.

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur as main speaker in Vaastu Shastra Sangoshthi organised by Kalidas Academy in collaboration with Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi, being honoured by Prof.Dr. K.K.Chaturvedi, Director Kalidas Academy

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur speaking in a function of maharishi janm Samaroh in Maharishi ved vigyan vidyapeeth Mangeli Jabalpur.

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur with International delegates in a conference on "Maharishi's Vedic approach to Health" integrating Vaastu knowledge to accomplish holistic Health.

The Vedic vaastu shastra is the scientific knowledge of planning, interior decoration & construction of Home according to the natural laws of universe considering geomagnetic field, solar & lunar effects along with the cosmic radiation & solar energies being received by earth & its effect on our houses, factories, towns etc.

The Vedic vaastu shastra includes the effects of surroundings also like plants etc.The owner or the person living in the home also plays important role because of their ‘Rashis’ , ‘Profession’ etc. are also, considered while planning the house .

The Chief Editor Dr. Niketan Anand Gaur is an Internationally renowned Expert & Consultant of Vaastu Shastra .

For an already built home there are many methods to organize it according to the Vedic vaastu shastra without breaking the parts of home .