
Dr Niketan Anand Gaur as a chief guest garlanding photo of Shri Visheshwarayyaji - invited by Engineers Association Dewas on "Engineer's Day"

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur speaking in Vice chancellor's conference in MMYVV University. Sitting fro left Prof Adya prasad,Vice Chancellor-MMYVV, Prof P.N.Kavthekar Vice Chancellor or Vikram University and Prof Vidya Niwas Mishra Vice chancellor of Sampoornanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur is. Being honoured by Director SGS Institute of technology and science in a function organised by Institution of Engineers(India).Indore.

The OM Foundation honoured Editor Dr Sunita Gaur and Chief Editor Dr Niketan Anand Gaur with "Om Sahityakar Samman 2014".

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur with International delegates in a conference on "Maharishi's Vedic approach to Health" integrating Vaastu knowledge to accomplish holistic Health.

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur presiding the conference 'Research in Vedic science through the window of modern science' organised by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic University in Hotel Samdaria Jabalpur sitting along is Mr Gandhi Vice President of Bhartiy Vidya Bhawan.

Dr Niketan Anand Gaur being honoured by co op society indore

Dr Gaur addressing research scholars in Maharishi Mahesh Yogi VEDIC University sitting along is Dr Sunita Gaur Faculty of University.

Launching new book on 'Vedic Vaastu Vidya Jyotish and Ayurved' written by Dr Niketan Anand Gaur and Dr Sunita Gaur

Dr Sunita Gaur as chief Guest in Maharishi Janmotsav at Ravindra Bhavan organised by MVM Indore.